
Launch Rollups on Conduit with Celestia Underneath

Forrest Norwood

January 25, 2024

Last week, five Conduit rollups started using Celestia as modular data availability (DA). We managed the process from start to finish, so the transition was seamless for the teams and users of Aevo, Hypr, Lyra, Orderly, and Public Goods Network. By using Celestia underneath, these rollups brought 10x cost savings to their users overnight and opened the possibility of reaching 100x savings in the future.

Alternative Data-Availability on Conduit

Data availability accounts for 90-95% of the total costs of operating a rollup. When a rollup posts all of its data on Ethereum, it must compete with other applications for valuable blockspace. Although this will change after EIP-4844, the number of rollups competing for the limited blobspace will only increase over time.

Enter alternatives like Celestia, networks purpose-built to be secure and scalable data availability layers. By utilizing an alt-DA layer, a rollup can significantly reduce operating costs while still enabling anyone to verify its transaction data. Lower fixed costs mean lower barriers to entry for new rollups and better unit economics for existing ones!

At Conduit, we anticipate a future in which Celestia and other data availability layers power millions of rollups, ushering in an era of abundant blockspace. We led best-in-class teams like Aevo and Lyra through the process of migrating to Celestia, and in a few clicks, you can deploy your own rollup on Celestia in the Conduit App:

What is Celestia?

Celestia is a modular data availability network where rollups can publish their transaction data and make it available for anyone to download.

With data availability sampling (DAS), Celestia light nodes can verify that the data of a block is available without downloading the entire block. The more light nodes that participate in sampling, the more data the network can safely handle, without increasing the cost of verifying the chain.

If Celestia has downtime or is unavailable, Arbitrum Orbit and OP Stack chains can “fallback” to Ethereum for data availability. Conduit also developed an in-house solution for rollups to back up their calldata on Google Cloud. Both of these mechanisms ensure that, in the event a DA layer has disruptions, rollup users can continue to send transactions securely and their funds do not become stuck in the bridge contract.

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Spin up your own testnet or mainnet in less than 15 minutes today in our app.

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Deploy fully-managed, production-grade rollups on Ethereum, no code required, with Conduit's Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform.

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