Introducing Conduit G2: The World’s Most Powerful Sequencer

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Conduit G2 Sequencer. G2 sets a new rollup performance standard and opens up groundbreaking possibilities for onchain builders.

Introducing Conduit G2: The World’s Most Powerful Sequencer

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Conduit G2 Sequencer. Capable of 50-100 Mgas/s, G2 is 10x more powerful than the default sequencers for leading rollup frameworks, while remaining fully compatible with those frameworks. G2’s throughput sets a new performance standard and opens up groundbreaking possibilities for onchain builders. 

G2’s performance is not a theoretical benchmark. It’s live in production today for select Conduit rollups, including Proof of Play and Gravity Chain. We want to work closely with an initial cohort of teams to use G2 to build onchain applications that couldn’t previously be built. You can request G2 for your rollup here.

Current throughput limits onchain apps

The potential of blockchain has always been immense, but two major pain points have consistently held builders back: 

  1. Impossible to build what people want: Builders with ambitious visions – whether it’s a fully onchain social platform, a complex game, or an intricate DeFi protocol – have been forced to scale back their ideas due to insufficient computational power on existing chains. The platforms they’ve relied on simply can’t handle the throughput required to bring these projects to life.
  2. Hypergrowth breaks applications: Even when projects do find success, they often stall out during periods of hypergrowth. As user activity spikes, the computational effort required to process transactions overwhelms the network, leading to degraded performance, slower transactions, and higher costs – just when user demand is at its peak. 

These constraints are preventing onchain apps from operating at web2 scale.

The root cause of bottlenecks: Lack of compute

Both of these pain points – ceilings on app complexity and traffic bottlenecks – stem from the same fundamental issue: a lack of onchain compute. The more complex the application or the larger the user base, the more strain is placed on the network. Standard rollups and blockchains can’t sustain the necessary throughput, and this leads to frustrating bottlenecks for builders and users alike.

Understanding rollup throughput: Beyond TPS

Not all transactions put equal load on a rollup. The data contained in those transactions makes a huge difference — a simple swap is much easier for a chain to process than a transaction representing video game activity, for example. For that reason, we measure rollup throughput by gas usage — expressed as Megagas* per second or Mgas/s — rather than the previous standard of TPS.

Mgas measures the amount of computational effort required to process transactions onchain. Unlike TPS (transactions per second), which only counts the number of transactions, Mgas reflects the true load on the system, accounting for both the number of transactions and their complexity, thereby giving a more accurate picture of the performance and scalability of a blockchain.

G2: Solving bottlenecks with unmatched throughput

G2 solves the problems holding back onchain builders by delivering unmatched throughput. At 50-100 Mgas/s, G2 is the most powerful sequencer operating today, providing nearly 100x the compute of Ethereum and 10x the compute of off-the-shelf sequencers.

G2’s higher gas throughput translates to significant onchain performance improvements. Here’s how it stacks up against the competition on common transaction types.

G2’s throughput opens up a world of possibilities for builders. Until now, highly-complex applications like blockbuster games, CEX-like DEXs, and best-in-class social apps have been impossible to run entirely onchain. Developers were forced to compromise the scope and depth of their ideas. But with G2, builders can bring to life projects that demand significant onchain computational power, without worrying about performance degradation or scalability issues. The previously unattainable is now within reach, empowering a new wave of innovation.

Crucially, G2 is capable of sustaining ultra-high throughput indefinitely. While some chains have previously hit peaks close to 50 Mgas/s, maintaining that level of performance is a more difficult challenge. When rollups reach their limits, the user experience degrades rapidly, with slower transaction times, increased costs, and reduced reliability. The bottlenecks often occur during the most important moments for growth – when user activity and transaction volume are spiking. G2’s ability to sustain ultra-high throughput ensures that onchain apps can maintain performance at these critical junctures and grow without interruption. 

100 Mgas/s is just the beginning too. We’re hard at work on further performance improvements, and our ultimate goal is to hit Gigagas.

G2 is live in production and getting results today

Proof of Play, the inaugural team to harness the G2 Sequencer, has been revolutionizing what’s possible onchain over the past six months. Its flagship game, Pirate Nation, mirrors the complexity of web2 games like Clash of Clans but runs entirely onchain — every action is a transaction. As the game's demand has grown, so has its need for extraordinary throughput.

Thanks to the G2 Sequencer, Pirate Nation has grown to peaks of over 10,000 concurrent users, making it one of the most robust applications in the EVM ecosystem. In the last three months alone, Proof of Play has achieved a peak throughput of 67.8 Mgas/s, with a sustained rate of 30-40 Mgas/s during high-traffic periods, setting new standards for onchain performance.

Galxe has also upgraded to G2 to power its Gravity Chain. Gravity Chain supports the many different functionalities of the Galxe super app, which counts 28.9 million users. Thanks to G2, the chain has scaled to support Gravity’s steep growth, achieving highs of 48.5 Mgas/s, while dropping transaction latency from 550 ms to 50 ms.

Start building with G2

The future is now: Developers have the opportunity to rethink how they build apps and take advantage of previously unattainable throughput today. So, we’re putting out the call to all ambitious builders: Join us in G2 and build something onchain you never thought possible! We’re opening up a cohort for teams eager to work closely with us and fully leverage the power of G2. Get in touch with us to learn more.

* Megagas = millions of gas units