Permissionless Deployments to Mainnet on Conduit

Starting today, anyone can launch rollups to mainnet on the Conduit app.

Permissionless Deployments to Mainnet on Conduit

Starting today, anyone can launch rollups to mainnet on the Conduit app.

With this product milestone, we have accomplished one of Conduit’s earliest goals: make launching a rollup as easy as launching a database in the cloud. We started last year with a simple console where users could launch their own testnet rollups. Deploying to mainnet remained a daunting task, though, and we asked our users to schedule product demos so we could guide them through the process.

Now, with Conduit powering more than 20% of the rollups on mainnet, we believe the time is right to open the floodgates. Mainnet rollups are open to everybody.

Deploying to Mainnet

Start by visiting the Deploy page on the Conduit app. Choose your rollup’s tech stack by selecting a framework, settlement layer, and data availability (DA) solution. The stacks that currently support self-serve mainnets are OP Stack chains with Celestia DA and Arbitrum Orbit chains that settle on Arbitrum One and use Ethereum or AnyTrust for data availability.

Once you choose a stack, enter your payment details, fund the deployer wallet with ETH, and watch your rollup deploy to mainnet.

What’s Included with a Rollup?

Once deployed, you can watch logs in the app and view the metrics dashboard for visibility into your rollup.

Every Conduit rollup comes with a dedicated block explorer, transaction tracer, and simple bridge interface.

Our high availability sequencing means zero downtime for upgrades, automatic failover, and best-in-class SLAs (99.999% uptime). Conduit Hypernode RPCs are included at no extra charge and autoscale with your demand!

Conduit also has a vast integrations ecosystem of external tooling. Whether you need bridging, analytics, oracles, fiat onramps, or something else, we can connect you with the leading solutions.

Rollup Costs

With this launch, Conduit is making rollup costs more transparent than ever before. Here’s a quick guide to the costs of operating a rollup:

Deployment cost

The one-time cost of deploying your rollup contracts on the settlement layer. Pay these fees by funding the deployer wallet with ETH.

Monthly DA cost

The projected monthly cost of posting your rollup’s data on the data availability layer. These DA costs are deducted from your sequencer revenue. If your costs exceed your revenue, you are billed for the difference at the end of the month.

Sequencer profit share

Rollups earn revenue from the sequencer in ETH. When the rollup is profitable, the rollup keeps 92.5% and Conduit receives 7.5%.

Plan cost

The cost of hosting the infrastructure for your rollup. Billed monthly through Stripe.

The Next Thousand Rollups

Launching a rollup is becoming the default for teams. Whether you’re a nascent gaming team or an established DeFi titan, dedicated blockspace and sequencer revenue let you control your own destiny. Conduit is the easiest and most secure way to deploy your rollup to mainnet.

Here’s to the next thousand rollups, deployed on Conduit 🥂